Zagori, Ovadia

Zagori, Ovadia

Son of Chana and Eliyahu. Ovadia was born in Iraq in 1949. He was born to a family of nine, and his family immigrated to Israel in 1951, and his employees studied at the Arlozorov elementary school in Ashkelon. After school, Ovadia spent time with friends and especially with his family. He liked the vibrant social life: trips and social entertainment. Was an economical guy who worked to support himself, to save and help his family in times of economic distress. In 1968, he enlisted in the IDF, volunteered for the Border Police, and underwent basic training in Shfaram, and in the following years he served in the 13th and 15th Battalions in Nablus and in Beit Shean, where he had professional knowledge, excellent physical fitness and motivation. He served as a sergeant in the Nahal Brigade and served as a sergeant in Border Police units. On the 16th of Tammuz, 5771 (9.7.1971), Sergeant Two Ovadia was killed in an accident in Netanya, when he was traveling on a scooter to bring medicines from the HMO to treat his legs. Twenty-two years old. He was buried in the Ashkelon cemetery. Survived by parents and six brothers and sisters.

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