Zacker, Shlomo

Zacker, Shlomo

Son of Hannah and Yehuda, was born onthe 29th of Nissan, 27.4.1930 in Lvov, Poland, and immigrated to Israel with his parents on February 29, 1932. During the great curfew on “Black Sabbath” (29.6.1946), he was arrested with his friends in Caesarea and spent several days in the Atlit prison. On the night of June 2-3, 1948, during the “Philistine” operation, the Givati ​​forces attacked the Egyptian alignment near the Ashdod Bridge (the “Ad Halom” bridge today). The assault was halted by heavy enemy fire and the forces were forced to retreat. The attack failed, but forced the Egyptians to prepare for the ground and halted their advance northwards. In this battle Shlomo fell, on 25 Iyar, June 3, 1948. After the liberation of Ashdod, his body was collected with the bodies of his friends who fell with him and were put to rest in the military cemetery in the village of Warburg. In his memory his family changed its name to Shlomi.

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