Young, Aryeh (Leibele)

Young, Aryeh (Leibele)

The only son of Yehudit and Noah was born on May 30, 1930 in Haifa ” He joined the Palmach and was transferred to the reserve unit of the Palmach, where he trained with dedication and enthusiasm, and because he was a Sabbath-observant he would go out on Saturdays, even though these were his favorite evenings at home. On November 29, 1947, on the night of the United Nations General Assembly resolution on the partition of Palestine into two states, he volunteered for full recruitment. He did not limit himself to temporary combat operations in the city of Haifa, and even though his commander offered him to work in the ministry, he demanded that he be transferred to the Palmach brigade. The convoys on the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem line to the Shuafat, Sheikh Jarrah, and Katamon battles. Arieh was interned in an armored vehicle, which fell on May 11, 1948, at the Battle of Shaar Hagai during Operation “Maccabi” to open the road to Jerusalem, and was brought to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Anavim.

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