Yosha, Eliezer (“Glazer”)

Yosha, Eliezer (“Glazer”)

He is the youngest of his parents, Aaron and Gohar. He was born on March 17, 1942, in the city of Kurambad in Persia, where he immigrated to Israel in 1951. After graduating from elementary school (four classes in Pardes Hannah and four in Herzliya) he studied at Yeshurun ​​religious school in Petah Tikva. He was a close friend of every acquaintance and took care of every conscious person in order to benefit him, and was drafted into the IDF in November 1960 and over time passed various courses. He began his career in civilian life after serving in the IDF as a Gadna instructor at the ORT school in Herzliya and at the Barak high school, and as a coach he loved his students, where he moved to the art area and worked in a printing house in Tel Aviv. In the past year, he began to study electronics, physics and mathematics at the College of Engineering, which gave him a great deal of knowledge, interested him, and provided his desire to expand his knowledge and training in this field. With his other hobbies, to think about his bitter trips And from time to time he went to reserve duty and on the eve of the Six-Day War called to reserve duty and fought with courage and bravery until he fell in the calf of a-Shabal Sinai on the fifth day of the battles, (9.6.1967). He was buried in the military cemetery in Bari and later moved to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. His intention was to marry him a girl soldier (also a student) and the date of their wedding set for July 1967.

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