Yosef, Yitzhak

Yosef, Yitzhak

Yitzhak, son of Naomi and Chaim, was born on April 1, 1954 in Nahariya. He studied at the Rambam Elementary School and later completed his studies in the religious high school in Nahariya, where he successfully completed his matriculation exams, and was educated in the spirit of Jewish tradition. He came to the school with a rich educational load and became an outstanding student, first and foremost in his class, in every field of study. He was quick-paced, understood things after the first explanation. Yitzhak was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early August 1972. After completing basic training he was trained as a tank driver and artillery officer, and was assigned to serve in Armored Corps 7, participated in training and took part in operational activities. He was an excellent instructor, knew the tank on his own and transferred from the great knowledge he had acquired to his students, and was accepted by his comrades in the unit. In the Yom Kippur War he joined the fighting unit and participated in the battle against the Egyptians in Sinai. On October 20, 1973, in the Fayed area, west of the Suez Canal, his force encountered a tank ambush. Yitzhak’s tank was hit in the battle and he was killed, brought to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, and left behind his parents and two brothers, and was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant. His parents donated a Torah scroll to the Nahariya synagogue.

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