Yosef, Raz

Yosef, Raz

The eldest son of Nava and Ezekiel. Raz was born in Jerusalem on August 8, 1993. Idan’s eldest brother. Raz was a playful, happy and sociable boy, who often smiled, made fun of himself, and made everyone feel good. At a young age, his parents included him in the “Etgar” program, a program for nurturing and enriching young children with children’s stories. Raz grew up and was educated in Jerusalem, in his neighborhood of Pisgat Ze’ev. He attended elementary school, went on to junior high in the Rene Cassin school and graduated from high school in Pisgat Ze’ev. When Raz reached the age of mitzvos, he became very close to religion and tradition, began studying Torah lessons and even persuaded his family to undergo a similar process. In his free time, Raz played a lot of football with his friends, but spent most of his time investing in music. Raz loved music, especially Mediterranean and Eastern, he liked to sing, to make everyone happy and dance. He also intended to develop in the future in the direction of poetry. Raz had excellent relations with his family. At home Raz used to hug his mother with love and sing her the song “Mom”, a song by Kobi Perez written by Doron Davidescu and composed by Shmuel Elbaz: “You are my door to life and good way / a melody of nostalgia that rises from love / in a world of concern for every pain / Give me your heart / Give me your heart Please keep me / Keep my mommy / The happiness and warmth in my heart / Please keep me to me / Keep my mommy / The light that smiles into my heart … “Raz and his brother Idan, who was a year and five months younger, used to play together on the computer, play soccer, and argue about anything in the world – and the arguments always ended with a hug. Idan knew the wisdom of his older brother’s life, and always used Raz’s advice and wisdom. Raz Beger became a popular and popular boy, full of joy of life and love of people. He used to help everyone, at home and even outside, and all with smiles and love. On 25.10.2011, Raz enlisted in the IDF, where he received a certificate of excellence and was assigned to serve in the Intelligence Corps of the Central Command, and he brought with him to the base his joy of life and the love of music, Around him were tired and dizzy during the activity, knew how to sing or play music, and to make everyone happy and give back the energy they had lost Raz fell during his service on April 14, 2012. He was laid to rest at home The Military Cemetery at Mount Herzl, Jerusalem, left parents and brother After Raz was killed, Raz was promoted to the rank of corporal A few days after the fall of Raz, Entitled “Late Raz Yosef”. The page contains many photos of Raz, along with his biography and family and friends’ farewells. On the first anniversary of the fall of Raz, his loved ones wrote: “Raz, we can not describe how much we love and miss you, dear friend, as long as time passes, it is not perceived or digested that you are not with us. “Raz, when you were born so soft and pure, the house was filled with joy and light, you grew up and became a special person whom everyone loved and loved forever … Our sweet loving mother, father and age.

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