Yochai, Isaiah

Yochai, Isaiah

Son of Shlomo and Clara. He was born in Istanbul, Turkey in 1949. That same year, the family immigrated to Israel with him, and when he reached school he studied at the Gordon School in Herzliya and graduated from high school, where he studied there for only one year. In 1965 he was drafted into the Navy and volunteered to serve in submarines. In January 1967 he was ordained as a diver. He was chosen from his period to go to England to accompany the submarine “Dakar” in its renovation and to specialize in both underwater and as a function, which is the connection between the various vessels. He was devoted to his job and was devoted to the role of the submarine on its departure and arrival. Ehud was his commanders and his friends alike. But one day, when Dakar was on her way home on the sea route between Gibraltar and Haifa, the connection was severed – and it was not renewed; This was on the 24th of Tevet 5728 (25.1.1968). The Chief Military Rabbinate determined that the date of Isaiah’s death, in the course of his duties together with the rest, was the day of the 30th of Tevet 5728 (30.1.1968). Because Yeshayahu was among the missing members of the team, a memorial monument was placed inside him in a memorial to the people of Dakar in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. On the 28th of June 1999, after years of searching, the INS Dakar submarine was found on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, at a depth of 2,900 meters on its planned sailing route and 250 miles from the port of Haifa. A space whose burial place is unknown.

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