Yizraeli, Shmuel (“Molik”)

Yizraeli, Shmuel (“Molik”)

Son of Yosef and Ora. He was born on October 30, 1948 in Tel Aviv. He studied at the “Hasmoneans” elementary school in his hometown and then attended the “New High School” and graduated there. He was a member of the Tel Aviv Community Scouts. He was drafted into the IDF in June 1966. He was a member of the “Nachal” Nahal Brigade and during the Shiloh period he was in Hulda. When the large mobilization began, Shmuel was sent to serve in a famous infantry formation, and during the battle he helped the wounded and haul stretchers, but a few days later he fell in a battle that took place in the Jiradi positions in the Sinai and the al- Arish was on the fourth day of the battles, on the 8th of Iyar 5727 (8.6.1967), was buried in the military cemetery in Bari and later moved to the eternal rest of the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. The famous song “He was.” His friends in the nucleus commemorated his name in a booklet he published in his memory as “He was.” Nature Six Day War “has been remembered in the book” Infantry wipe the campaign “several pages were devoted to him. In the book, “On Their Way,” published by Union of the Kibbutzim and Kibbutzim in memory of the fallen members of the European Union, several pages are dedicated to his history and the words of friends and his estate.

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