Yitzhaki, Hillel

Yitzhaki, Hillel

Son of Mazal and Avshalom, was born on Simchat Torah, 17 October 1927) in Tel Aviv. He studied at Yesod HaMa’ala Elementary School and then at the Pitman School of Commerce, but also studied diamond polishing. Hillel has shown talent in sports and music and has dealt with both of these fields. He was a member of the “Hakoach” and Betar soccer team and was able to cheer his friends on the mandolin and the harmonica, and as a youth he was a member of the Betar youth movement and joined the Irgun at the age of 17. In the service of the underground he underwent the usual weapons training, In 1945, he was sent to an iconic course at the Shuni Fortress near Binyamina, where the environment was surrounded by British soldiers and police, and after careful searches, all the participants, eighteen young men and two young women, were arrested and brought to trial by a military court. The judge sentenced them to various prison terms, and later were sent to serve their sentences in Acre prison He was sentenced to five years in prison, and from his time in the prison he devoted his energies to organizing social activities even when his health began to deteriorate due to appendicitis: shortly before the Acre prison was broken by the Irgun forces (4.5.1947) , Where his illness worsened and his pain increased. Despite his request to transfer him to the Hadassah Jewish hospital, he was sent to the government hospital inside the prison where he received inferior medical treatment. On January 4, 1948, he died on the operating table. He was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Nahalat Yitzhak. He was 20 when he died.

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