Yitzhak, Zevulun

Yitzhak, Zevulun

Son of Leah and Shimon, was born in 1928 in Jerusalem. He graduated from school worked as a locksmith, and helped support his elderly parents. He was a quiet and intelligent fellow, a member of the Hanoar Haoved movement and a active and dedicated member of the Haganah. He was responsible and had a strong desire to volunteer. During the War of Independence he joined the Palmach and was transferred from there to a combat battalion in the Jerusalem Brigade. At the end of the first truce, he was sent in a group of reinforcements to Sheikh Jarrah. He was among those ordered to break into one of the buildings of the “Mandelbaum House”. When he crossed the open road he was hit by a round of of bullets and remained there without help. At night, when the ambulance arrived to pick him up, it was too late. The next day, on 3 Tammuz 5708 (July 10, 1948), he died of his wounds. He was buried in Sheikh Bader Aleph. On the 28th of Elul 5710 (10.9.1950) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery at Har-Herzl in Jerusalem.

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