Yitav (Yitkovsky) Shlomo

Yitav (Yitkovsky) Shlomo

Son of Dina and Yitzhak, was born on the 11th of Cheshvan 5709 (11.11.1958) in Petah TikvIn January 1977, Shlomo enlisted in the IDF and served in the Israel Air Force, where he invested all his energy and talent, but nevertheless found time to express his thoughts and feelings in songs he wrote and hid them in his drawer. In March 1977, Shlomo was appointed as a pilot in the IAF and promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel. In July 1978 he began to serve in a permanent position. Shlomo rose to the rank of lieutenant, and was assigned to serve in transport planes. On July 10, 1980, he boarded a Dakota plane for a training flight in the northern Negev and Sinai. It was early morning, visibility was poor and the plane hit a hillside in the area of ​​Kosayama, killing four of the pilots, including Shlomo, 21 and a half years old. The commander of his unit wrote to his family: “The desire to give and give was a starting point for all of Shlomo’s actions in the squadron, while he was willing to undertake many tasks without any personal comfort. Two outstanding features were integrity, seriousness, and determination … As an officer he stood out in his readiness for every task, and in his developed sense of responsibility. “Shlomo was a real fighter, an adventurous type, but at the same time he was meticulous about professionalism.” Shlomo was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Petah Tikva, where he left behind his parents, a brother And a sister,

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