Yielding, Amnon

Yielding, Amnon

Son of Asher and Leah. He was born on May 18, 1950 in Maayan Zvi. He grew up in the company of the Ma’ayan Zvi children, but when he was five, his parents went on a mission to Australia, where he studied for two years. When he returned to Israel, he quickly became absorbed in his company and studies. He graduated summa cum laude from the high school in Kfar Galim near Haifa. He received a matriculation certificate of 10 in mathematics and biology. At the same time, it was diverse in various areas. Even as a child, he discovered a special gift for painting and loved various mechanical works, such as assembling model airplanes. He used to spend hours reading books of all kinds. A special love for the walks and the landscape of the surroundings and also took a central role and active in social events. He was drafted into the IDF in August 1969 and volunteered to serve in the air force On May 16, 1971, Deputy Amnon was killed while serving in the Zichron Yaakov cemetery. The commander of his unit wrote his parents a letter of condolence, and among other things he noted that during the short period he served in the Organ squadron he managed to meet Amnon: “So he still looks like a boy – but an adult in spirit and behavior, serious and genuine. – – The air was sound, knew how to draw conclusions and progressed nicely. Was the kind of pilot you could trust and trust. He stood out for his diligence, his knowledge, and especially his modesty. He was always a good officer, and was always willing to help his friends and had a good impact on those around him. “In two issues of Ma’ayan Zvi’s” Diary of the Group, “which appeared after his fall (in anticipation of the shiva and thirty) In the name of Amnon, on the slopes of the Carmel, opposite the sea, in Amnon’s favorite landscape, his classmates planted a memorial garden with a monument in his memory.

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