Yerushalmi, Racheli (Heli)

Yerushalmi, Racheli (Heli)

Daughter of Osnat and Elijah. She was born on July 21, 1976 in Jerusalem. She began her studies at the Zion Ezri religious elementary school in Jerusalem and graduated from the Evelina de Rothschild High School for Girls in the geography track. In mid-August 1994, Heli enlisted in the IDF, completed a course for sports instructors at Wingate and was assigned to a unit in the Jordan Valley, where she served as a physical training instructor who trained the battalion’s soldiers in the battalion and the operational companies. Heli loved her unit and military service. Her commanders said she did her job professionally and thoroughly. Her friends said that the sport was her true love and that Heli devoted herself to improving the fitness of the unit’s soldiers, believing that it would improve their quality of life and contribute to their tasks. Elad Bar, the operations officer of the company, wrote: “During the operation, the soldiers and the staff work hard. The tank training takes up and fills most of the time and space. If there is something a tankist (most of them) does not like this sport. Heli knew and did everything in her power to instill in us the wind in her sails. Even when everyone worked hard she was always ready to wait until we finished the work and then practice, even if it meant one o’clock in the morning. Always running, checking company, Heli was among the soldiers and encouraged, wanted and supported. Her love for others, the warm relationship she always gave, stood next to that soldier who had passed away. Heli was a type who stood up, even when we were opposed to the daily practice, she would eventually convince us to do it. In the field, where they usually do not run or train, Heli runs with the soldiers at night just so they will not lose training. Heli will accompany me as a character who always inhaled, always wanted more, and radiated a joy of life without enough, qualities that are not evident in all of them. “Heli fell in the course of her job on April 2, 1995, in a sports training accident. Heli was hanged on the cover of a small foot in the field and intended to perform a stress-raising exercise, but the gate, which was not fixed to the ground, fell and caused her death. She was nineteen years old. Was laid to rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by parents, two sisters – Miriam and Etti and four brothers – Rafi, Yaakov, Danny and Yossi. Her family commemorated the writing of a Torah scroll and its introduction into a synagogue. Chief of Staff Amnon Lipkin-Shahak wrote to the family in a letter of condolence: “Heli served as a physical training instructor in the ‘Storm’ battalion of the ‘Steel’ division of the Central Command. She was described by her commanders as a soldier who performed her duty with dedication, showing high self-discipline. She was motivated, self-confident and willing to help and help. She was proud to serve in the IDF in general and in a combat unit in particular, and she was popular among her commanders and friends alike. ” “Heli was one of the best, volunteered for military service, and was proud to be part of a combat unit,” she said. Her friend, Racheli Be’eri, wrote: “Heli always knew what would make her happy, what would make her strong, and yet she did not give up the run, there were no words in which she could express her love for sport, her feelings were so strong that she could not The sport made her days happy … Sport was for her the real freedom that allowed her to be herself, real. ” Tomer Nussbaum, a member of the unit, wrote: “Heli Yerushalmi is a diligent girl / the battalion commander of the battalion whom she all loved / in the battalion integrated into the social life / and the sport did not abandon / responsible and wanted girl /A good soldier with high self-discipline / whom we will remember only for the best / What can be added and say / Anything else will be unnecessary / Heli our special character / in the heart of the regiment forever, forever! ” She was a model soldier and was an example to the other soldiers of the battalion. Heli was a soldier with a unique character. “In the moments of separation, there is always a strange feeling / a desire to say a lonely word, / which will continue the period that has passed. If the period was wonderful, / with a lot of experiences and a lot of understanding / then it could be from the bottom of my heart. “

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