Yemini, Yosef

Yemini, Yosef

Joseph, son of Zelda and Moshe, was born in Petah Tikva on February 17, 1945. He began his studies at the “Netzach Yisrael” elementary school, and later studied at the Mikveh High School in Mikvah He graduated from the Yad Natan High School of Agriculture in Acre and was ordained as a technician for agricultural machines, and was educated to maintain a simple and modest lifestyle, far from ostentatiousness , And learned to appreciate the importance of the toil of the hands, and the house of the parents was a warm home, in which love and brotherhood prevailed, and Yossi became the guide and counselor to his younger brother and sister. And as a child, he had a sense of adventure and curiosity that was unique to young boys, but unlike many of his contemporaries, Yossi was very confident in his power and ability. And his courage and courage instilled in his friends and friends the feeling that he was immune to dangers and that there was nothing he could do.In his high school years in Mikveh Israel he excelled in a serious and responsible attitude to study and work. He had already chosen his way to the future and knew that he would combine his technical skills in farming and agriculture. He therefore invested great efforts and achieved great achievements. Everyone recognized him as an honest man, seeking the truth in a consistent and uncompromising manner, when he insisted firmly and defended his views and positions with devotion and stubbornness. At the Mikve Israel school he met his girlfriend Rachel, who was to be his wife. Yossi turned out to be a man with a feeling and warmth and a developed sense of beauty and aesthetics. Yossi was drafted into the IDF in July 1964 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, where he was trained as a tank crew member and later completed a tank commander course. In October 1966, Yosef was discharged from regular service and assigned to an armored unit of the Armored Corps, where he fought in the battles to conquer the Gaza Strip during the Six-Day War. 21, married Rachel and established her with her He was proud of his achievements and was Simcha to have established a family and management so young, and his family, including his wife Rachel and his three sons, Lior, Eyal and Erez, were the subject of his happiness and pride and filled his life with content and joy. The president, who taught agro-mechanics, was able to enthrall his students with his interesting and unconventional lecture method, and his students were eagerly awaiting his lessons, which were interesting in their content, wide in scope and rich in scientific explanations. He did not limit himself to teaching the curriculum material dictated by the school, but sought new fields and means to fascinate his students. The teacher and his students joined together to explore new topics and unknown fields, and achieved impressive achievements. After the long and exhausting day, he devoted his time to his family and continued to play the role of teacher and educator, this time for his sons. He used to tell them long and interesting stories, and together with them he worked on planning the new home he would build for the family. His house was a warm family nest, in which there was a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere, a unity and a partnership of truth in all spheres of life. He instilled in the family a love for the land and its landscapes and a lot to go out withHis wife and sons for tours and trips, in which they sought new places and landscapes. In his search for new challenges in his life, Yossi went to work as a technician at IAI; He later worked as a maintenance technician at Makhteshim and served as a manager of the metalwork shop in Talmei Hanegev. Yossi was a dedicated worker and demanded much from himself and the workers under his supervision. He demanded precision and completeness in carrying out each task, but he never demanded anything that he himself did not do. His demands were firm and uncompromising, and he did not hesitate to criticize any man he thought deserved criticism. His success in the work prompted him to try and compete in new areas, and indeed when he decided to become an independent, he began to work on building pens. His early career was difficult and fraught with obstacles because he lacked a commercial and business sense, but within a short period of time because of his skills and devotion, he quickly burst into a path that ensured prosperity and security. His fall in the Yom Kippur War took him away from his family and cut short his efforts to complete another task, one of many, but perhaps the greatest of all he took upon himself. During the Yom Kippur War, his unit participated in the battle against the Egyptians in the central sector of Sinai. In a battle that took place on October 15, 1973, a missile hit Yossi’s tank and he was wounded. Despite his wounds, Yossi continued to operate the tank until he was killed. He was brought to rest in the cemetery in Be’er Sheva. He left behind a wife and three sons, parents, two brothers and a sister. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the unit commander wrote: “Yosef was an outstanding tank commander and had excellent professional knowledge. He was loved and accepted by the soldiers of the unit. “His family and the Merchavim Regional Council donated a Torah scroll to his synagogue in Eshel Hanasi.

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