Yeloz, Moshe

Yeloz, Moshe

Son of Simcha-Simona and Shlomo. He was born on the 11th of Cheshvan 5751 (11.11.1990) in Beit Shemesh. A younger brother to Racheli and an older brother to Yair-Yitzhak. Moshe is named after his grandfather, Moshe Yeloz. He was born when his sister Rachel was a year old. From childhood, Moshe was characterized as stubborn, insistent, industrious, and humorous. He liked a girlfriend and found a common language with children and adults of all ages. In grades 1-3 he attended the Levin elementary school in Beit Shemesh and continued to the fourth and sixth grades of the Uziel school in his city and junior high school. He attended the Branco Weiss school in Beit Shemesh. In the brigade, Moshe stood out with his cleverness, he quickly absorbed the curriculum material and was a good student. He was endowed with the ability to express himself and energetically – “folly.” As part of his high school studies, he helped the apprentice find it difficult to study and accompany him on his way. This mentoring promoted the apprentice in his studies and developed responsibility and confidence in Moshe. During his free time, Moshe spent time with his friends in the neighborhood or on the soccer field. He was a sporty boy, but especially liked playing football. Moshe played the role of kashar, first in the city youth Hapoel Beit Shemesh and later in Hapoel Jerusalem. Moshe also enjoyed spending time in the sea and in the pool. During his hours at home he preferred to spend time with the family and help, cook and try to prepare new delicacies. And Moshe chose challenges in life – to try new things. He also used to watch television, play computer games, and the song he loved most was Niso Siman Tov’s “Mami.” Prior to his military service, Moshe was assigned to an aviation course and was dismissed due to a health problem. He joined the Israel Air Force on February 4, 2008. He completed basic training at the Ovdah base and took part in an aviation course, after which he was assigned to serve at the Mitzpeh Ramon base. Moshe served as a noncommissioned officer in the air force and was supposed to go to an officers’ course in September, but the plans were cut short when he was killed in a fatal road accident on Highway 38 near Beit Shemesh, two cars collided head-on. Additional details: Private Assaf Maimon, Shir Malka, Aharon Strovolsky, Rachel Strovolsky and Olga Rabinovitch, and three people were injured in the accident: Moshe Yeloz fell during his service on July 10, 2009. He was nineteen He was buried in the cemetery in Beit Shemesh and left behind his parents, sister-Rachel and half-brother Yair-Yitzhak in 2011, His brother, Nehorai, was promoted to the rank of corporal after his death, and the inscription on the tombstone of Moses: “‘Grace and truth met, justice and peace kissed him’ / man – truth and faith, charity and charity.” A long time after the funeral ended, his mother wrote to him: “It’s been eleven months without you. Without your special charming smile, without your special smell and without all those moments that made you white and choose so special that it is fun to raise it, the pleasure of being with him and the right to be his mother! … Today I know that raising a child like you was a privilege. I remember you as a sweet baby, a naughty boy who enchanted everyone, a special boy and a good-hearted adult. A real man who in his nineteen short years had done so much to make his mark wherever he went … “In an interview with the local newspaper, the mother Simona said:” More than losing a son, I have lost a brother, a friend with a soul, Ehud. “My brother, since July 10, 2009, the meaning of the word ‘my brother’ has changed in my case,” says Racheli Yeloz, Moshe’s sister, Understand how close she is to her.I do not feel close to anyone to call him that and I do not want it to be like that, because like you there is only one. Moshe, where are you? How do you feel? That’s the question that accompanies Father, Mother, and me every minute. Are you near us? Feel our pain? Want to say something? When we think of you, we always smile, even now. Your joy of life, laughter and lightness, and I believe that this is how you want us to remember you. That’s why most of your pictures and most of the talk about you are smiling, bro … Your presence is so lacking: the smell, the laughter, and even the nerves you have raised. I see your pictures and just now digest how beautiful you were. I always felt that you were a fan, but you have no idea how much I would like you to be here so that I will be the one who will give it. To tell you that you are the most perfect brother there is! I’m glad you’re only mine, that I did not share you so much … Yair grew older and started talking, remember you taught him to say ‘me’ and ‘you’? – Now he says more. But one thing he says clearly – ‘Moshe’ and points to your picture … waiting to sit at the table and see them all and not see you breaks me every time. And the Kiddush that you will not do … “In the condolences sent by the Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Gabi Ashkenazi to the family, it was written:” Moshe’s commanders say that he demonstrated high learning abilities, integrity and trustworthiness … Moshe was described as a sociable person with a special sense of humor, Moshe was a high-quality, highly respected soldier who clearly showed a strong desire to serve a significant service. ” Maj. Gen. Ido Nehushtan, commander of the air force, wrote to the Yeloz family: “Moshe arrived at the unit after successfully completing the course at the Uvda base, and his commanders said that despite the short time he served in Yavneh, he made a great impression on his friends and commanders. He was perceived as a soldier of high achievement, very sociable and possessed of a sense of humor. He fulfilled his duties with great professionalism and was ready to join any mission. Moshe was very fond of his friends, colleagues and commanders. Stand out in the joy of life, in giving to others and in the goodness of his heart. His premature death is a great loss to you, to the unit and to the entire air force. “Even the unit commander eulogized him:” The echo of your laughter still reverberates in our ears but you are gone. Demonstrating learning ability and being at the center of attention, showing honesty and truth. Your smiles and your mother’s cookies were your symbol … “His friends from the military service opened a Facebook page in his memory and posted a presentation on the flix website with photos of Moshe and his friends who were killed with him in an accident.

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