Yellin, Ronen

Yellin, Ronen

Son of-Elka and Yechezkel was born on May 16, 1964 in Ramat Gan, his parents are Holocaust survivors, and their stories about the Second World War and the Holocaust had a profound impact on Ronen’s soul, Ronen studied at the Hillel Elementary School and at the Blich High School in Ramat Gan, where he was a vigorous, lively boy, loved sports, cycling and swimming, and was interested in books of philosophy and psychology, much to read and love He was serious, but smiling, and his friends loved him and asked for his closeness: In November 1982, Ronen enlisted in the IDF and was assigned to the Armored Corps. He completed a course for tank commanders, and during 1983 he underwent several courses and rose to the rank of sergeant. He aspired to become an officer in the Armored Corps, and in September 1984 he took part in an Armored Corps course. His commanders listed him as one of the outstanding cadets. On the 30th of Tishrei 5745 (September 30, 1984), Ronen was in a night-time exercise in the Arad-Tel Shoket area, during which he was hit by a train and killed, and was killed at the age of 20. The commander of the officers’ school wrote to his family: Ronen was among the best cadets and proved his ability in the training track to which he was assigned. Azzam wanted to be an officer, and he spared no effort to achieve his goal. “The commander of his unit wrote to his family:” Ronen volunteered and chose the officers’ way, out of a desire and a belief. He wanted to contribute to the IDF and to the State, and he wanted to realize a vital value for national security – the best and most talented among our sons would be IDF commanders. “The rabbi of the officers’ school said:” Ronen volunteered to serve his people and his homeland as an officer and commander in the IDF. To contribute from everything that is in its best form. “In training for this mission, he died.” Ronen was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul in Tel Aviv. He left behind his parents and sister. After his death, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel

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