Yelinek, Avraham (Pauli)

Yelinek, Avraham (Pauli)

Avraham, son of Berta and Frederick Yelinek, was born on February 22, 1926, in Austria. He and his parents immigrated to Israel in 1940.Avraham joined the British army in November 1943, Egypt, Belgium and the Netherlands), with the money of his savings, he supported his sick parents, and in the army he took part in a chess competition and was second in 1946. In 1946 he was discharged from the army. In March 1948 he joined the Carmeli Brigade and he fell on the 10th of June 1948, in the defense of Ramot Naftali, half an hour before the truce. He was buried in Ramot Naftali. On the 27th of Adar 5706 (16.3.1950) he was transferred to the eternal rest of the military cemetery in Haifa

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