Yehudai, Avraham (Elchanan)

Yehudai, Avraham (Elchanan)

Son of Miriam and Sa’adia. He was born in Yemen in 1921 as the third son of a family of six brothers and two sisters, and in 1926 the family immigrated to Eretz Israel and settled in the Yemenite vineyard of Tel Aviv. In 1936, after his mother’s death, he began to work in the field of car-electrical engineering and completed his income working at a flower shop, where he devoted himself to his hobbies: music, literature and art, And after the establishment of the Irgun Zvai Leumi in Israel (later Lehi) in the fall of 1940, he was one of its members, whose underground alias was Elhanan and his friends He was arrested by the British in 1942. On November 1, 1943 he was with the 20 escapees from Latrun, and since then he was employed in the Lehi permanent army and was a member of the fighting brigade. On November 1, 1945, he was wounded while attempting to sabotage the Haifa refinery. He lost his eye but managed to reach the place where he was being treated. When he recovered, he demanded that he participate in combat activities as well, and that he would be asked to do so. His father, despite his difficult economic situation, supported him and also helped the underground with money and the transfer of arms and equipment. On June 18, 1946, a large unit of Lehi set out to attack the railway workshop in Haifa Bay. In this attack Abraham and ten other fighters fell. He was buried in the Haifa cemetery. His family did not attend his funeral, and he learned of his death only after two weeks of anxiety and concern. Only after the establishment of the State of Israel did they get to visit his grave. Laid a father and eight brothers and sisters. Avraham was immortalized in the book “Unknown Soldiers” by Yaakov Banai and in “The Fighters of Herut Israel” by Natan Yellin-Mor.

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