Yehuda, Ben-Zion (Benni)

Yehuda, Ben-Zion (Benni)

Son of-Zion Yehuda, was born on 26.1.1951 in Ramat Gan, to his parents Rabbi Dr. Zvi Aryeh Yehuda and Dr. Naomi Daughter of-Zion nee Farbstein. Even as a child he was found to have rare qualities. At the request of the IDF, he passed a combat officer’s course and received training from Air Force officers. In his unit, Benny served as a mathematician and systems examiner. With the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War, Benni was troubled by the moral problem of being in the home front during wartime, but he invested his best efforts in carrying out the projects he was entrusted with. On Tu B’Shvat, 27.1.1975, Benni fell while performing his duty as part of the emergency deployment, while wearing his tefillin. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Nahalat Yitzhak.

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