Yehezkel, Joshua

Yehezkel, Joshua

Son of David flourished. Born on Yom Kippur 5708 (September 27, 1944) in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, the family immigrated to Israel in 1951. Yehoshua studied at an elementary school in Or Yehuda and completed his studies there.Joshua was engaged in carpentry and during his spare time was a member of Hapoel, In May 1962, and then went on to reserve duty at the time of his call and received the draft order. On the eve of the Six Day War he went to his battalion. On the first day of the fighting, he was 26 Iyar 5727 (5.6.1967), and fell in a night stop at al-Jirdi in Sinai. There, with the removal of his squad from the half-track to evacuate the wounded, he was hit by a shell, buried in the emergency military cemetery in Bari, and later taken to eternal rest in the Kiryat Shaul military cemetery.

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