Yazdi, Yehezkel

Yazdi, Yehezkel

Son of Mazal and Aharon, was born on June 1, 1929 in Jerusalem and grew up in the Zichron Yosef neighborhood. At an early age he graduated from elementary school and went to work as a locksmith. By profession he worked for a year and a half and then worked as a tailor. At that time, he joined the Lehi, and was active during the War of Independence, accompanied by convoys to Atarot, Neve Ya’akov, etc. Yehezkel fell on the way to the village of Malcha on the 26th of Iyar 5708 (June 4, 1948) He was buried in Sheik Bader A. On September 10, 1950, he was transferred to the eternal military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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