Yarovitz, Avraham (Avi)

Yarovitz, Avraham (Avi)

Benya and Yosef. Born on the 17th of Cheshvan 5717 (17.11.1957) in Moshav Olish, brother of Ricky and Roni. When he was seven, the family moved to Netanya, where he completed his studies at the Itamar elementary school. He completed his high school studies at the Neurim School in the automotive mechanics course. In January of 1976, my father joined the IDF, the Ordnance Corps, where he served as a mechanic in the Gidon camp, and in February 1979 my father joined the ranks of the career army. In 1989 my father moved to serve in outdoor garages in Netanya, and at the same time his daughter Hila was born, and in 1989 my father decided to move to serve in the West Bank, in spite of the intifada that broke out, And back home. In 1992, his daughter, Shir, was born. During his years in the army, Avi went on to serve as the head of the Samaria Brigade, and in 2001 he was promoted to the rank of RG “G. My father fought heroically for the rest of his life, the last battle of his life. On May 22, 2003, my father died of cancer, leaving behind a wife, three daughters, a father, a brother and a sister, and my father was buried in the military cemetery in Netanya at the age of forty-five. : “Love, bad and father without end.” Things that were written to his memory by his wife and daughters: “My father … / Now you are in heaven under the command of the angels and under the supervision of God / You will miss us very much, down here. We feel in your presence and sure that you are already guarding / knowing that you are a precious and important person, a man so loved and loved, a courageous and powerful person. “We hope that you will only have a good time and that you will know that we will never stop thinking and we will always love.” His parents and brothers write: “Dear father, you are important to the whole family, you have always been loved. Your memory is always with us forever. We love you, you’re missing us. “

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