Yaniv Bogin

Yaniv Bogin

Yaniv Bogin son of Noa and Yizhak. He was born on May 7, 1973, in Kfar Pines, the son of a firstborn son of Nadav, Yael and Tamar.

In September 1999, Yaniv joined the Israel Police. He served in the Lahav 433 interrogation unit and over time advanced to the rank of Advanced Sergeant.

Yaniv married Mia and the couple set up a house on the streets, where they raised their two daughters Yuval and Lior.

Yaniv Bogin fell during his service on the day of May 12, 2019. He was forty-five years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Rechovot. Survived by wife and two daughters, parents, brother, and two sisters.

He was promoted to the rank of senior sergeant after his fall.

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