Yams, Marek

Yams, Marek

Marek, son of Ida and Leon, was born on 21.6.1947 in Regensburg, Germany, to his parents who had passed the horrors of the Holocaust and lost their families in Germany In 1945, Mark went to kindergarten and when he was five years old, They settled in Jerusalem and went to Umariya Elementary School, a quiet, serious and orderly boy who was a soup teacher, liked mechanical research, liked the mechanics of mechanics and later became increasingly interested in sophisticated devices and electronics. Who was a member of the Hashomer Hatzair movement at the Jerusalem branch, was very active in the movement as an apprentice and counselor He decided to join the kibbutz movement, where he decided to build his home in the future, where he excelled in his studies, every task he performed with great efficiency and was always considered among his friends as a leading leader and a model. He moved to Kibbutz Mizra, where he continued his studies in the twelfth grade. On the kibbutz, too, Mark immediately stood out as a mature and intelligent young man, and within a short period of time he was assigned many social roles, where he was always considered an authority among his friends. Marek was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early November 1965. After completing his basic training, he was sent to a tank artillery course and finished as a gunner, and after that he underwent a tank commander course and was sent to an officer’s course at the end of 1967. During the Six-Day War, Mark took part in battles in Rafah, and when he was an officer in the officers’ course, Marek decided to continue his studies at the Technion in Haifa, and for that he needed a high school diploma. He was an excellent officer and at that time it was difficult to release an officer of his rank from the unit Army service for three years and had good grades in examinations. During his rose quickly through the ranks and in April 1969 he was appointed a company commander. In the opinion of his commanders: “A talented officer, an entrepreneur, a personal example, a decent person, an excellent professional, loved by his subordinates and of a stable character, an excellent officer who fulfills his duties with responsibility and dedication. At the beginning of June 1971, Mark was released from military service and placed in a reserve unit, where he was accepted to study at the Haifa Technion in a profession he loved from childhood, always engaged in, spent every penny on his savings – electronics, He sought the challenge and the struggle, because he found a taste for life, a poetic soul, and a deep love for art, and he was Simcha to entertain people he met on the street and interested him because his love of man was unmediated and unselfish. – The sentry sent soup with his unit to the Sinai, and participated in the battles of containment and break-in against the Egyptians The battles took over command of the battalion instead of the commander who was killed on October 17, 1973. He was killed and killed during an assault on a compound of the Egyptians, who was brought to eternal rest in the Kiryat Shaul cemetery, leaving behind a wife, son and parents. And was awarded the “Medal of Honor”, which is the text of the medal: “In light of the testimony that Major Yams has shown courage to serve as a model. Description of the incident: Captain Mark Yams, the commander of a reconnaissance unit, attacked the enemy outpost at the head of his men, who blocked the possibility of the brigade breaking through the bridge after crossing the Suez Canal.Kim in a fight. In the absence of an artillery liaison officer to the battalion, Captain Mark Yamas, who successfully landed the artillery on the Egyptians, fell on October 17, 1973, during an assault on an Egyptian target, who served as a model for his devotion to his missions, his courage, and the level of execution. The Medal of Honor “. In his letter to the grieving family, the Minister of Defense, Moshe Dayan, wrote: “Marek’s commanders defined him as an excellent, responsible, dedicated officer, showing great work ability and organization, talented, entrepreneurial, punctual, successful in all … “The memory of the late Major Mark Yams is sacred and we were deeply rooted in our hearts.”

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