Yamin, Chaim

Yamin, Chaim

Haim, the eldest son of Liora and Nissim, of Libyan origin, was born on June 4, 1951 in Ramat Yishai. When he was five years old, his family moved to Migdal Ha’emek, and Haim attended the Shalom Aleichem elementary school there. He later studied mechanical frames at the Rogozin Comprehensive Professional School. He was a quiet child, a devoted son and a beloved brother. At school he admired his teachers and classmates, studied diligently and was involved in the students’ social life. Already in his childhood he was discovered as an excellent athlete. He cultivated his physical fitness and a lot of swimming and playing various ball games. He later joined the Hapoel soccer team in Migdal HaEmek and studied Judo. Along with his extensive athletic activity, Haim spent his free time studying the building of gliders by the Gadna, a special affection for aircraft, and he wanted to know their complex structure and also to build experimental models. And responsible, tall and strong, the pride of his parents and the love of his younger brothers and sisters. Haim was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of May 1969 and volunteered for the Paratroopers Brigade, after which he was entitled to wear paratroopers’ wings, and afterwards he was placed in an armored unit and performed impeccably all the tasks assigned to him. In April 1970, Haim was sent to a course in commanding officers. He completed the course with a high score (82). At the end of his compulsory service, in May 1971, Haim decided to join the career army and was sent, at the recommendation of his commanders to the officers’ course. When he completed his course in this course he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel. Even as an officer, his ability as a soldier and a commander was evident, and his judicious judgment and good temperament stood out. Chaim was dedicated and cared for his soldiers. Although he demanded precise execution of the tasks, he always knew how to maintain a humane and cordial attitude with his comrades-in-arms. At the end of March 1973 he married his girlfriend Corina. The couple first lived in Migdal Ha’Emek and dreamed of establishing a family and a home in Israel. A few months after their marriage they were expecting the birth of their first child. But Chaim did not see his son. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, Chaim was sent to recruit reservists in the northern region. On the evening of the day he joined his unit, an armored unit, and was sent to the northern front. For four days he fought in the fighting in the Golan Heights, and his comrades in arms marked his bravery and unqualified devotion. On the fifth day of the fighting, Haim was sent to the southern front, where his unit called some of the soldiers of the Egyptian army. Chaim acted with exemplary heroism when he entered a burning tank to rescue one of his friends who was trapped there. On the 19th of Tishrei 5734 (October 19, 1973), Haim suffered mortal wounds when he fought near the Suez Canal. He was immediately transferred to Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv. He fought for his life for twenty days until he died on his wounds on the 7th of Cheshvan 5737 (7 November 1973). He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Migdal Haemek. He left behind a pregnant wife, a father, a mother, seven brothers and three sisters. His son, born in mid-December 1973, was named after him. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved wife, then-Defense Minister Moshe Dayan explained his extensive military activity and wrote: “Haim was a retired infantryman and was assessed as a very responsible officer with a strong desire to succeed, Loyal to his position and his commanders, and everyone who knew them loved him. ” The local council of Migdal HaEmek commemorates Chaim in the construction of a synagogue in his name in Migdal Haemek; She also established the “Brothers Garden” to commemorate Haim and his brother Gabriel, who fellA year later, in the course of his duties. Following an investigation conducted during 2017, he was promoted to lieutenant.

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