Yalo, Yasmao

Yalo, Yasmao

Son of Gondarit and Fanta. Yasmao was born in Ethiopia on March 24, 1983. He immigrated to Israel in 2001. Yasmao lived with his sister, Ayala, in Or Yehuda, and on November 2, 2003, Yismo was drafted into the IDF. On July 12, 2006, Hizbullah terrorists from Lebanon attacked an IDF patrol moving along a parallel axis of the perimeter fence from west to east, between Zar’it and Shatula, within the sovereign territory of Lebanon. The state of Israel. Three soldiers were killed on the spot and two were kidnapped by the terrorists. Immediately after the incident, a preliminary attempt was made to locate the kidnapped soldiers. A team from the Armored Corps ’82 battalion entered the area of ​Lebanon with Nghamhoun in an attempt to stop the terrorists’ escape vehicle, but a short distance from the border, the tank mounted a ground bomb estimated at hundreds of kilograms of explosives. The tank was completely destroyed and four crew members were killed. A short while later, another soldier was killed when he arrived with the rescue force in the damaged tank. Following this chain of events, the Israeli government decided to embark on the Second Lebanon War, which lasted for a little more than a month. Yismo fell in battle in southern Lebanon during the Second Lebanon War on August 8, 2006, eight days after he was drafted into the reserves. With him was his commander, Captain Gilad Balachsan. Yasmao was twenty-three years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, Tel Aviv. Survived by parents and sister. Yasmao was promoted to First Sergeant after his fall.

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