Yahav (Vehav), Shimon

Yahav (Vehav), Shimon

Son of Rachel and Mahfud, was born on January 16, 1951, in Gan Yavneh, a gifted student who completed his elementary school in Gan Yavneh at a young age after graduating from a religious family. Bnei Akiva in Kfar HaRoeh. Shimon was drafted into the IDF in 1969 and attached to the Nahal Brigade. After basic training, he was transferred to the liaison corps and successfully completed a course for wireless operators and a course in radio communications, where Shimon was stationed as a radio operator in the unit, where he spent three years of service. His commanders were pleased with his performance and assessed him on the certificate of release as “a disciplined and responsible soldier with initiative.” For his service in front lines, he was awarded the Operational Service Award. In early February 1972, Shimon was released from regular service and began working in a pipe factory. From time to time he was called up for reserve duty, which he faithfully filled. When Operation Peace for the Galilee began, Shimon was recruited and participated in battles in Lebanon. On the 3 rd of Tishrei 5743 (October 3, 1982), when he returned from his vacation, Sgt. Shimon fell while performing his mission in Operation Peace for the Galilee and was brought to eternal rest in the military section of the Gan Yavne cemetery. After his fall, he was promoted to First Sergeant. Left a mother and nine brothers. In a letter of condolence to the family, the defense minister wrote, among other things: “Shimon was a devoted, friendly soldier, helping his friends and modest, and in his pleasant manner he was a model.” And his commander noted: “Shimon was an example to his friends in a friendly and humble manner, devoted to his position and to his friends, in his honesty and manner.” A Torah scroll in his name was taken by his family to the Shevat Achim Synagogue in Gan Yavne, where the family members pray.

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