Yaffe, Dov

Yaffe, Dov

Dov, son of Miriam and Gershon, was born in Kfar Giladi on March 28, 1950. At the age of two, he moved with his family to Moshav Avigdor, studied at the Mevo’ot Elementary School in Be’er Tuvia and graduated from the Gedera High School He was a diligent, talented student who excelled in the real professions – mainly in mathematics and physics – but he was also passionate about literature, poetry, and music. The principal of his school wrote:” I remember him as a pleasant child, the ideal type, one can always trust, trust, feel, And the guardians wish themselves that most of their students will be like him. We all knew that Dovi was expected to have a fruitful future in his achievements. “He was a member of the” Science-Seeking Youth “group and was active in the lives of the youth in the moshav, Dov was musical, played the accordion and danced with friends and students from abroad. Dubi was the embodiment of pretty Israel for the students from abroad, who caught up with the love of the land and showed them their favorite places: He was optimistic, full of joy, he loved laughter and had a sense of humor, friendship, and affection for all he knew. “He was a wonderful son to his parents, loving and loyal to his family and a source of happiness and pride for them, always sharing his doubts and telling them about his friends. , Handsome and loved by the girls, he worked in agriculture for a while and sat for a while teaching biology at the school Kiryat Malachi school. Dov was drafted into the IDF in early November 1968, the Armored Force was stationed. After basic training and after completing an Armored Corps course, he was sent to an armored unit in the Golan Heights, where he was assigned the role of tank driver and was awarded the rank of corporal. His commanders noted his behavior as very good and gave him the “operational service signal.” “He was a comfortable guy who knew how to be modest, knew how to deal with everyone and was incapable of hurting anyone, and over time he became one of the company’s leaders and representatives, and everyone knew that he had a word, He gave me his wonderful character, really educated me and I was dragged after him and tried to do the same. ” After he was discharged from the army, he began studying biology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in order to study medicine, and during the Yom Kippur War he participated in the battles against the Syrians in the Golan Heights. On October 9, 1973, his tank was hit in the vicinity of the “Yeshivah” junction and he was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery in Avigdor, leaving behind his parents and brothers. Was a good soldier, dedicated and reliable, did his job in the best possible manner and to the satisfaction of his commanders. ” In view of booklet commemorating reality with words of friends and acquaintances about the character. His pupils wrote: “Dov was surrounded by inner and outer beauty. His hair was the most charming, his good and devoted nature swept us into deep feelings for him. We just loved him because he wanted to help us. He had a compassionate heart. “His friends at the university wrote:” It was hard not to feel free and liberated with him, not to open up and give, perhaps because he gives so much. The door to his room is never locked. There was a feeling that every word and sentence, small secrets and personal feelings – found a sympathetic ear in him. Dov was ambitious, knew what he demanded of himself and what he was capable of, he knew how to turn intensive studies into a pleasant experience. Despite the pressure, he was calm and relaxed, penetrating the depths of every formula and idea, orderly in his thoughts and words, succeeding in overcoming every obstacle, because of his simplistic view of things. “He wrote to one of his friends:” No, I’m not angry, I do not know how to be angry. “

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