Yaffa, Yaakov (“Ya’akanella”)
Son of Zundel and Esther. Was born together with his brother, his twin, Shlomo, on the 27th of Shvat 5717 (27.1.1957) in Tel Aviv. He studied at the Ilanot Elementary School in Ramat Aviv, continued in junior high school at the Alliance School in Ramat Aviv and completed his regular studies at the Tel Aviv Vocational High School. Yankele belonged to the Scout movement and later joined the Maccabee movement. He was an outstanding athlete. Most of his strength was in short runs and wrestling, and his achievements were marked by certificates of excellence and medals. He also studied karate. Despite his great involvement in sports, he was a brilliant student, one of the best in the class, and was loved by his teachers and friends. He purchased his high school diploma on his own with the help of the Mishlav school in Tel Aviv. Yaakov was drafted into the IDF at the end of July 1975 and volunteered for the Shaked Reconnaissance Unit, where he was able to train in the course of heavy training, long trips and many exercises. On January 24, 1977, Yankele fell to the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, leaving behind his parents and two brothers. After his death he was raised to the rank of sergeant, and in a letter of condolences to the bereaved family, the commander of the commando unit wrote: “Recently he served as a symbol of operations in the unit, Operations and showed responsibility and new dedication to the job, while expressing a desire to make up for many stripes of a soldier warrior and commander of the unit. ” To commemorate his memory, the family established an educational club for grades 1-4 in Be’er Yaakov, which bears his name.