Yadi, Elazar

Yadi, Elazar

Ben Leah and Zechariah. Born on 25.11.1972 in Kfar Saba Elazar began his studies at the Bar-Ilan School in Kfar Saba, continued in the Harel junior high school and graduated from the Shapira Technical High School, . At the beginning of June 1992, Elazar enlisted in the IDF, and during his military service, Elazar underwent a number of driving courses, received the rank of sergeant and served as a tow truck driver, and was resourceful and dedicated to his work, caring and motivated to perform his duties in the best possible way. His good qualities stood out: he was smiling, kindhearted and willing to help and take care of others.In the day of Tishrei 5759 (14.9.1994), Elazar fell during his service. He was laid to rest in the Kfar Saba military cemetery. He was twenty-two years old when he fell. He left parents, three brothers – Hananiah, Shimon and Shalom, and a sister – Simcha. The family commemorated Elazar by establishing a Torah library in the Mishkan Israel Synagogue, the center for the Yemenite immigrants in their neighborhood.

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