Yacobi, Ephraim

Yacobi, Ephraim

Ephraim ben Mazal and Shimon was born on the 9th of Sivan, June 9, 1927 in the city of Urmia, Azerbaijan, and he immigrated to Israel in 1936. During the War of Independence, he participated as a member of the Irgun in several defensive operations in Jerusalem. Once he told his friend: “I would be very happy to die if I only knew that I was bringing freedom to the nation.” On the 29th of Adar II 5708 (April 9, 1948) he fell in battle during the advance on the village of Deir Yassin rioters. He was buried in the cemetery in Sanhedria in Jerusalem. On the 18th of Heshvon, November 6, 1952, he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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