Yaber, Koppel

Yaber, Koppel

Son of Rachel and Mordechai, was born in 1918 in the town of Skelt in Eastern Galicia, Poland. Koppel graduated from elementary school and went to work. He was a tailor by profession. That’s how he lived until the outbreak of World War II. Kopel was drafted into the Polish army and served as a gunner. According to the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement, his town was transferred to the Russians, and when Russia entered the war, he volunteered for the Red Army and participated in many battles. He won the victory campaign against the Nazis. Was among the conquerors of Lublin and the liberators of the prisoners in Majdanek and was awarded several medals. Kopel immigrated to Israel with his family on the ship “Do not be afraid”. The ship was caught and its passengers were imprisoned in Cyprus for only two months. In the spring of 1948 they immigrated, and he worked for two months in the orchard. Kopel volunteered for the Israel Defense Forces, served in the Alexandroni Brigade and trained in Kfar Sirkin. From there he volunteered for a special activity at Migdal Tzedek together with two native-born friends. But went into action and a shell hit all three. Koppel fell on the 11th of Tammuz 5708 (18.7.1948). He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Petah Tikva. He left a wife and two children.

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