Ya’ari, Haim-Menachem

Ya’ari, Haim-Menachem

Son of Meir and Anda. He was born on the 27th of Tishrei 5772 (27.9.1941) in Kibbutz Merhavia, where he studied until he completed the 12th grade of the local educational institution. He stood out for his talents and traits and liked all his friends. His youthful life had prepared him for a life of hard work, good faith and honesty, a life of equality and love of the homeland. After graduating, he set out for educational activities in the Hashomer Hatzair movement in Israel. He was a sensitive, gentle and simple-mannered boy. Loved music and played cello; He was also interested in geology. In his parents’ house he absorbed the aspiration for a better and more just world and the desire to strive for perfection. But when he left the house, he faced a harsh reality, and sometimes he hurt to the point of the storm of the soul. In July 1961, he was drafted into the IDF and served in the Paratroopers Brigade, reached the rank of lieutenant, and during his service there were those who had been subjected to difficult tests, but he stood by all of them.On the day of the 5th of Nissan 5734 (18.3.1964) -again; Only eight months later, after various searches and the scouring of the country, his body was found and brought to eternal rest in his kibbutz, where he was born, raised and educated; After his coffin marched a paratroop unit where he served. On the first anniversary of his death, Kibbutz Merhavia published a booklet in his memory. In Uri Milstein’s book “Wars of the Paratroopers,” Chaim-Menahem’s memory was raised.

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