Yaakobi, Hadas

Yaakobi, Hadas

Daughter of Frida and David. She was born in Bat Yam on 27.4.1978, the seventh night of Passover. A nurse to the worker, who is one and a half years older than her. Already as a toddler Hadas developed quickly and displayed her own intelligence and will, expressed in her home and garden and her demand to participate in every role in the celebrations. As a child, Hadas’s parents divorced and she grew up with her brother in her mother’s house. Her father remarried and had a daughter, Odelia. Hadas began her studies at the Sharett Elementary School in Bat Yam. Hadas liked to read books from every field, the librarians at the various libraries knew her and used to keep books for her. Hadas developed a love of writing. She used to ‘write to the drawer’ and write down her different feelings, songs and reflections. In elementary school, she studied in various departments: painting, ceramics, music, sports, jazz and drama, and at the same time began to work as a babysitter. She was responsible and loved for the children and their mothers, who depended on her, and thus grew up to be a mature and responsible girl. Hadas continued her studies at Hashmonaim High School in Bat Yam. She finished ninth grade with honors and took part in drama classes, a field she loved most, at the Habimah Theater for Youth in Tel Aviv. In the 11th grade she began to work as a waitress in the afternoon and evening hours, with the aim of being independent, and Hadas was also outstanding in sports and especially in running. As a child and as a girl, Hadas was a sociable and accepted friend, loved to sing, dance and spend time, stood out at every party and meeting, and bought friends, and she loved to help people in everything. Place, time and situation, her friends knew that it was always possible to turn to her and receive her honor She was saddened by a movie, a story or a book about a man in distress, and was known both at school and abroad as one who cared, who was always ready to help and solve any problem During her vacation from the army, she happily recounted her experiences from basic training, was proud of her uniform and weapons, and was ‘poisoned’ by the army and everything Related to it. At the end of basic training, Hadas was assigned to a dedicated maintenance officers’ course. Hadas waited impatiently to receive the pin and the coffin at the end of the course, and planned to continue her army service. During the course, Hadas became prominent in her leadership skills, volunteered for many tasks and helped the women. Her commanders were impressed that she had self-confidence, a fluent language, and knowledge of the material. Hadas used to invest in the various tasks and perform them well, in a matter-of-fact, thorough and deep manner. Hadas fell during her service at the age of 20. She was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Holon and Colonel Suzi, the unit’s commander, wrote in her memory: “… at the very beginning of the officers’ course, she expressed Hadas expressed her strong desire to serve and contribute, out of faith in the IDF and its importance to the State. Hadas saw the military system as a place where she could develop and express her personal skills. Hadas began her course well, both professionally and socially. In the course of the training, this was manifested in high achievements, personal involvement, self-confidence and a desire for perfection. “From her friend, Shaul Srur, after her death:” Netzach, they say this is a short word with long meaning. Emotions that are onThe hearts of men form a circle and within the circle there is love that burns more than a great fire. We all give you the fire of love. A hand she felt, an eye she saw, an ear that listened. They knew that this was not just a girl … What I have left now is memories of laughter, hugs and kisses. I remember how you used to chase me to hug and kiss me and I kept hiding. You made me laugh. Time runs fast, day after day, heals the wound, but the scar will never disappear. She will remind me and everyone who knew you that you were with us. You, Hadas Yaakobi – you were an angel in life too. You helped everyone who asked you for help, you always smiled for everyone. Frida, Hadas is a wonderful girl wherever she is. She gets along and everyone who knows her knows how sweet she is, how much she appreciates and how much they love her … “Hadas wrote a close friend:” I loved you in many forms / In many colors / blue, pink, turquoise, green / I loved you when you cried and when I laughed / loved you for my people and uniforms / I loved you when you did nonsense / And I did not love you sometimes / But I always knew that you really / / And leave me here in the dark alone / And maybe I will leave one day / I will spread wings and fly, not alone / Because then I will search for you. / But what is important is / I am sad for you now, but for so many memories / So I will survive in the meantime. “After the year of mourning, in order to commemorate her memory Hadas’s family turned to the welfare authorities in the city, and with the help and activities of Yigal, a warm home for girls was found, and in October 2000 it was officially renamed Beit Hadas, providing warmth and love and a response to adolescent girls. Can see and hear what was done in this house she would have been pleased and happy with this project named after her, Beit Hadas.

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