Wodek, Jonathan (Yoni)

Wodek, Jonathan (Yoni)

Yonatan (Yoni), son of Suzy and Ernst, was born on April 16, 1953. He studied at the Brandeis School in Herzliya B. After graduating from the Herzliya Municipal High School, Yonatan was a diligent student who knew how hard to overcome any difficulty, and was therefore loved by his teachers and friends, was a member of the high school drama club and was a member of the Scouts movement. He was a sports enthusiast who was enthusiastic about horseback riding, participated in competitions, excelled at races and won many prizes, spent his leisure time traveling in the Galilee and the Golan Heights. Among his friends, he was known for his sense of humor, his jokes and his pranks, which were amusing and harmless, and he treated each person courteously and courteously, and acquired the Lev of all his acquaintances in his pleasant manner and in the light of his face. He was a loyal son and devoted to his parents and treated them with great respect.Yonatan was drafted into the IDF in the middle of August 1971 and was assigned to the army Armored Corps. After basic training, he took a course in the “Centurion” tank and a course for tank commanders. He was a responsible and dedicated soldier, and as a commander he took care of his subordinates and served as an example of his good temper and his passivity. When he was away from home for a long time, he tried not to worry his parents and kept writing letters and calling frequently. When the Yom Kippur War broke out he was with his unit on the Golan Heights and took part in the battle against the Syrians. On the 9th of Tishrei 5734 (October 9, 1973), he fell in battle in the area of ​​Kuneitra. He volunteered to rescue his battalion commander who was wounded and then was shot dead in the Herzliya cemetery and left behind a father, mother and sister, and was promoted to the rank of sergeant. He was loved by his comrades, his subordinates, and his commanders. He was the living spirit among his friends and always gave him a good and cheerful atmosphere. He performed his duties with devotion, responsibility and loyalty. “

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