Wloczek, Mordechai

Wloczek, Mordechai

Son of Sima and Jacob was born on March 6, 1924 in Warsaw, the capital of Poland, and in 1934 immigrated to Israel with his parents who settled in Tel Aviv. In a few weeks he had become accustomed to speaking Hebrew and soon appeared to be a “sabra” for everything. After graduating from a public school, he acquired friends and friends in his best temperament. He began to work in knitting and progressed in his profession. He was devoted to his parents, liked classical music, and during his free time he completed his knowledge of reading books and provided his fondness for music by listening to concerts. When the first call to report for the service of the people was published, he was posted to the Givati ​​Brigade in the winter of 1948 and took part in the battles in the south (Beit Daras, Mghar, Ibdis, Nitzanim, etc.) On May 30, 1948, “He replied,” the Egyptians are close to us and the homeland calls me – not the time to be pampered! “And returned to his battalion, which was then in bitter battles near Ashdod. He was reassured by his friend that he would soon be cured and that there was no need to worry about him, but after a few minutes his soul was released, Mordechai was laid to rest in the military cemetery Lt Isaac.

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