Wladek, Abraham

Wladek, Abraham

Son of Shimon and Paula. Born on Thursday, 26 November 1933 in Haifa, he studied at the elementary school in Nahariya and when he was a student, he participated in the removal of illegal immigrants from the “Hannah Szenes” ship on the Nahariya coast. In Jerusalem), and that was his source of income afterward, he belonged to Hanoar Haoved, and also excelled in the Gadna-Air course. He volunteered for the IDF before he reached the age of enlistment and served in the army in August 1951. He joined a commando unit, underwent a parachute training course, and wore the paratrooper’s insignia on the day of Tu B’Av 5712 (6.8.1952)he fell in battle againts The National Guard and the Legion, during a tour of the Negev near the Ordnell police station in Jordan, about 15 kilometers east of Yotvata. Abraham was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. The commander of his unit wrote to his parents in a letter of condolence that during his service Avraham showed devotion and courage, especially when he stood in the battle for four hours against a huge enemy.

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