Winder, Eliezer

Winder, Eliezer

Son of Simcha and Tamma. Was born on March 29, 1939, in the city of Tomaszow, Poland As a baby, the Second World War broke out and Eliezer was sent with his family to the Zmerinka ghetto in the Ukraine, at the end of the war the question of immigration to Eretz Israel came, Born in 1949. After graduating from high school, he was drafted into the IDF in October 1956 and volunteered for the paratroopers without his parents knowing about it. Took part in the course of the General Staff and was ordained commander at the end of the course, on the 26th of Shevat 5719 (26.1.1959) he fell in battle in Jerusalem and was put to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. .

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