Will, Aryeh

Will, Aryeh

Son of Ida and Nathan. He was born on February 28, 1914 in Freiburg, Germany, to a distinguished family of well-known rabbis, where he received a traditional education and after graduating from the Gymnasium he studied for a while in a yeshiva in Montreux, Switzerland. In 1935 he went to agricultural training in Grinshoff. He was known for his honesty and his willingness to help others. At the beginning of 1937 he immigrated to Israel and joined a group in Kfar Yavetz. He was sent for a short time to a work battalion in Neve Yaakov where he worked in a quarry. After the liquidation of the company, he was among the immigrants to Tirat Zvi, a “tower and stockade” settlement in the Beit She’an Valley, where he was assigned to accompany the armored car on its travels and to arrange the group’s foreign affairs and devoted himself to these tasks from morning until night. His role as a driver prevented him from participating in the regular guard duty, but when he stayed for several days at home, he always volunteered for full guard duty. He devoted his time to spiritual matters, early in the morning he was one of the first to pray in public, and he took part in the lessons of Rabbi Yitzchak Levi in ​​Maimonides’ Laws of Yesod HaTorah. On 17 Adar, March 8, 1939, on his way to Tirat Zvi, a gang of Arab rioters attacked him and his friends and they were shot and killed. Aryeh was 25 years old. His family perished in Nazi Germany, and his name was immortalized in the memorial booklet “Tirat Zvi in ​​the Battle.”

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