Wiesel, Shimon

Wiesel, Shimon

Shimon (Shimi), son of Leah and Elchanan, was born on 14.3.1952 in Haifa. He studied at the elementary school at Sde-Ilan and later continued his studies at the Bnei Akiva Yeshiva in Netanya and at the religious high school in Afula. Shimon was a diligent, diligent, diligent and diligent student who learned to learn for his own pleasure. He passed the matriculation exams very successfully. His teachers testify to him, who was a serious student, with a strong and obedient will, very orderly and punctual. His gaze was penetrating and his ear was attentive and he spoke little to idle words. His friends appreciated him and everyone loved him. son of Torah was embodied in the love of Israel and the love of man. He was a sports fan and worked in many branches – in football, in distance jumping and in lifting weights. His body was muscular and firm. He traveled a lot and climbed mountains. In leisure, he read to his pleasure and drew. Shimon was a friendly and welcoming person, pleasant to talk and pre-peace to everyone, comfortable and not in a hurry to be angry. He loved to help others and help anyone in trouble. He never gossiped and had a loyal secret. He was always cheerful and kindhearted. He was polite and polite, gentle and pleasant, quiet and modest. His path was the path of truth and truth. He was a devoted and loyal son to his parents and respected them greatly. He was preparing to study electronics at the School of Practical Engineers at the Technion in Haifa, and was admitted to it without passing the entrance examinations. Shimon was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of August 1970 and was assigned to the Armored Corps, and after completing basic training, he was trained in the tank course “Centurion” and was awarded a high grade (95). In the Yom Kippur War, Shimon participated in the battles of containment and break-ins against the Syrians in the Golan Heights, in the battle of the Golan Heights, where he served as a brother and served as a model for all his activities. Which took place on the 16th of Tishrei 5740 (October 12, 1973) in an enclave near the village of Nesj, Shimon was driving the tank commander. a missile hit his tank and he was hit on the spot. was brought to eternal rest in a cemetery in Haifa.

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