Wiener, David

Wiener, David

The only son of Sarah and Nathan was born on October 18, 1930 in the city of Pforzheim, Germany. In 1933 the family immigrated to Israel. David grew up in Tel Aviv, studied at the elementary school and graduated, continued to study at the “Haskalah” high school and in the “Mizrahi” vocational school where he acquired the electric profession. He joined the Scouts movement and later moved to the Haganah. In 1944 he joined the religious Gadna and at the beginning of 1947 he was transferred to the religious unit of the Fighting Force in Tel Aviv. His friends called him “Dede”. David was a devoted son to his parents and tried not to be surprised by his activities in the Hagana. After the UN General Assembly decided on 29 November 1947 to partition the country, he volunteered for full service in the Givati ​​Brigade and participated in battles in the Tel Aviv, Abu Kabir, and Hatikva neighborhoods, thanks to his alertness. The Arabs of the Hatikva neighborhood and the burning of Batya, fought as a dedicated and enthusiastic machine gunner and was sent to Gush Etzion with a heavy weapons unit on the night of Wednesday, May 13, 1948 in Kfar Etzion at the position of a machine gun From her until the last minute. On the 17th of Cheshvan 5710 (17.11.1949) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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