Wieder, Sivan

Wieder, Sivan

Zehava and Ze’ev’s youngest daughter, Sivan was born on October 18, 1981 in Bakaot. Sister of Nimrod and Gil-Li Sivan was a beautiful and happy child of an old family in Moshav Bekaot in the Jordan Valley. Her father Ze’ev was a businessman. Sivan was a student at the “Gafanim” regional elementary school in Baka and in the local junior high school, where she studied product design at the Ben Shemen Youth Village and lived in the boarding school. Sivan was an outstanding student and educator. Everything she did had to be perfect. She was loved by her friends. She was always happy to help those who needed help, whether in school or anything else, and at the youth village of Ben Shemen. She was a vital and vibrant girl and when she came home on weekends, the house filled with light, singing and dancing, bringing joy and happiness to her family and her relatives: “When she came home she immediately turned on the music, dancing in the living room . The whole moshav knew she had come back … .” Her mother also said,” Sivan always knew how much I loved her. At her funeral her friends told me they were jealous of me for being so close. Every birthday she wrote me letters that always began with the words ‘to the most beautiful mother in the world’. Not long ago, I discovered a cassette tape that she recorded especially for me … “Sivan loved to listen to music on the radio while traveling, and forced her parents to dance with her while she was driving in. Ze’ev her father adored Sivan and had close ties with Avi Bekerman, Li, a career soldier in the Helicopter Squadron at the Tel Nof Air Force Base, was recruited in August 2000 and served in the Infantry Corps as a squad leader in the Combat Support Center. She was a squadron of boys at the bases in Zikim and Jolis, and shortly before her death she completed a course for training commanders’ instructors. She was also supposed to be discharged from the IDF within a month. Afterward, she planned to move to the center of the country, and in the future to travel for a long trip in Thailand in particular and in the Far East in general. On Wednesday night, on Passover eve, the family met at the Park Hotel in Netanya to celebrate the holiday and celebrate with the parents of Zehava, Sivan’s grandmother and grandfather. When the family sat in the hotel dining room, a suicide bomber blew himself up in the center of the dining room, killing them all. Sivan and Sergeant Avi (Avraham) Bekerman were killed in the suicide bombing at the Park Hotel in Netanya, killing 28 civilians and wounding 155. Father Zevik was seriously injured and died of his wounds in the hospital a week after the attack. Sivan’s mother, her grandfather and grandmother were lightly injured, and Sivan’s cousin, Oren, was seriously injured. Sivan Wieder fell during her service in a terrorist attack on 27 March 2002, when she was twenty years old. Sivan was brought to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul, Tel Aviv. She left a mother, brother and sister. After her death she was promoted to First Sergeant. On the third memorial day, her mother eulogized her: “I see all your friends around me, and I can not stop thinking about where you should have been now. After a trip to Thailand… As you wanted or study law like Dad wanted. Zehava wrote:” You were so beautiful, inside and out. You were so tall, a noble soul, full of giving. You were so loved and loved others. All that stood beside you, felt and were filled. You were so happy. Your surroundings filled with laughter, songs and dancing. You were so intelligent, sensitive, and a good athlete. You were so perfect, my daughter was a rare human being. “My beloved husband, I find it very difficult without you. Father, you have been my beloved son and your absence is always felt. “I stand in the kitchen … see you in Oren’s white sharkal pants with a small white vest, tanned, beautiful, amazing, gnawing at the side of the mouth, red pepper and talking And tells and laughs – and it breaks my heart … “” My daughter, will you remember how the days looked different? We sat together until the evening with nothing. Only with one great joy. You kept me and I, you, talked, you told, you shared countless stories and experiences. Today, the wind blows in a different way. The promises between us remain: Promises of love, devotion and friendship! But where are you in our agreement? On the eve of Seder, when the table was set in white and we all sat together, when everything was festive the black color came. The black smoke, the fire and the water and it was like a storm to heaven. You left me with the promises, the talk, the stories and the experiences. Even the agreement between us I keep, but how from there will fill your share? How can you give me my soul that you are so longing? “Shaked Tamsit, her best friend, said:” Sivan and I were born and raised together. We planned everything from a common place, and the “regular” vacation we took now was planned to spend time together. “Sivan was an amazing person with a huge smile, she always found the best in everything, and she dreamed of being a mother to many children,” Shaked said, adding that both of them were supposed to go on Passover to the festival in Boombamela. ” The happiest girl I’ve ever known, “Sivan Stroumsa, her friend, told her,” the most open and the most beautiful. The most loving and the most embracing. The most loved and the most alive. Years before, we would go together to a gymnasium and laugh. She comes to me for a weekend, I remember she laughed at me for being so shy and how I do not feel comfortable replacing her clothes … Vidrit was a character. Nine years since that damn evening and every year on Seder night, my heart ached and her laughter reverberated in my mind. “The Facebook group that opened in her memory read:” Anyone who knew Sivan really got to see a good soul, a person with a heart of gold. “I remember this day as if it happened yesterday, I passed the shower at Jolis and I smelled your soap, I knew you were there and I got in the way, you told me you heard I was making trouble, I said You promised me that you would give me some time after Passover and I would tell you everything … You gave me some face colors and you went … You went and did not come back. I never received the time you promised to give me. “Karin Gabai recalled:” From things I wrote in April 2002, a few days after the attack: I rememberYou Sivan, your smiling features, your tight eyes when you laugh, the dress you wore with Shavuot, the compliments you gave me, the way you would sometimes gather your hair in half a cuckoo. We were born on the same date and we would mention it each time I visited you. I remember and always remember you, Sivan, always. “Daniel Zer wrote:” Sivan was the second-class platoon commander when I was in basic training in Zikim, on Passover, the year before the terror attack, everyone loved her because she was human, caring and of course Every year since, every Seder night, I remember Sivan and hope she is up there and sees that people think about her and miss her. ” “I will not forget in my life that I was an assistant company commander in the DCO,” Elad Cohen shared, “every evening I am waiting for the conditions of service to help her distribute the packages and the newspapers and then sit down Read the newspaper together and always had something to laugh about, and when you were laughing who could not laugh. When the commanders would put us in a cell and when they were not looking – you would run and jump just to give a chief and ask what was going on … Now you explain why you smile at attention … There is no day you are not in thoughts and heart … U will be missed forever “On the anniversary of her death, a soccer game is held in” Ben Shemen “in her memory, and a memorial park was erected in Moshav Bekaot in memory of Zevik Sivan and Avi, which was held at the memorial ceremony marking the ninth anniversary of her death. Sivan laughs with her friends and dances with her friend.

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