Weissman, Shalom

Weissman, Shalom

Son of Flick and Atie. He was born in the town of Pashkany in Romania on May 6, 1917. Graduated from high school. From his youth, he devoted himself to the national youth education in his city, which was considered an important center for the pioneering movement. There was no summer camp, seminar, or central movement action for which Shalom was not among the active participants there. He was an autodidact and was always thirsty for knowledge and aspired to study. Slowly he rose and took his place in motion as one of the pillars of it. At the outbreak of the Second World War, he was among the members of the underground activity in his town, where he concentrated on escape issues and connections with friends imprisoned in labor camps established in the area. He arrived in Israel in May 1944 as an illegal immigrant and after establishing himself with his family he lived his quiet and modest life. He joined the Haganah and participated in the War of Independence. He was drafted into the IDF in October 1950 and at the outbreak of the Sinai Campaign he was among the fighters, after which he went to reserve duty, where he was on vacation and visited his private home and died of a Lev attack on 26.3.163 . He was laid to rest at the (civilian) cemetery in Kiryat Shaul. He left a wife, a daughter and a son.

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