Weiss, Moses

Weiss, Moses

Moshe, son of Augusta and Yaakov Halevy, was born on December 13, 1927, in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. He completed his studies in the Jewish school and in the real gymnasium in his hometown. During this period, he joined a youth and sports movement in his city, loved to read and was active in sports. When the Germans invaded Yugoslavia, the family separated. Moshe, who was thirteen, fled with his older sister to Italy, and his mother with the younger brother tried her luck in another way. The father, Yaakov HaLevi z “l, who was a rabbi of the Ashkenazi community, refused to leave his community and was led to a concentration camp and murdered, and later the family met in Italy. After the end of the war, the family wandered through Italy, which was full of refugees, and when they reached Venice, they met with the emissaries of the Brigade, and in 1946, Moshe and his brothers decided to immigrate to Palestine as part of the ” Youth Aliyah “and join the kibbutz. They boarded the “Four Freedoms” of the Mossad le-Aliya to immigrate to Israel. Their ship was captured by the British and the immigrants were transferred to Cyprus. After spending a few months in Cyprus, Moshe came to Israel and joined Kibbutz Merhavia, which was his first home in his new country. His mother, who immigrated to Israel two years later, also joined Merhavia. As a member of the kibbutz, Moshe joined the Haganah and during the War of Independence he participated in the battles of Mishmar Ha’emek and Mishmar HaYarden and the conquest of Nazareth. After the army was established, Moshe joined the artillery corps, which made his first steps, and when he reached the time of his release, Moshe volunteered to serve for a few months in the career army. , And decided to leave the kibbutz, which had been his home for ten years, and joined the career army as deputy commander of an artillery battery. In the Artillery Corps, he underwent various courses: the Officers’ Officers Course, the Officers’ Officers Course, the Artillery Commanders Course, and even served as instructors in the corps’ training base. He also took a parachuting course. According to the opinion of his commanders, Moshe fulfilled his duties in an exceptional manner and it was appropriate to rely on him in everything. In 1960 he married Pnina Daughter of Karkur and their firstborn Lior was born in Haifa. Moshe was not satisfied with his high school and military education and studied evening classes at the engineering school. After completing his studies, he was certified as an engineer and transferred to the Engineering Corps. Here too he did a variety of positions – mainly in the areas of inspection and maintenance, and finally was appointed head of maintenance and maintenance in a construction unit. The family moved to Rishon Letzion where their second son Shmuel was born, named after Moshe’s younger brother, Shmuel Weiss, who was murdered in Beit Shean in January 1965. Moshe fought in all of Israel’s wars and left them safely. In January 1974 he was seriously injured in a road accident and on the 28th of Adar 5734 (March 22, 1974), after two months of fighting for his life, Lieutenant Colonel Moshe fell in the line of duty. He was laid to rest in the cemetery in Rishon Letzion. He left behind a wife and two sons, a mother and a sister.

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