Weiss, Eliezer

Weiss, Eliezer

Son of Rivka and Moshe, was born on November 17, 1927 in Vienna, the capital of Austria. In 1939, on the eve of the war, he immigrated to Israel as part of the “Youth Aliyah” and was attached to the children’s company in northern Talpiot near Jerusalem. At the end of two years of his education, he moved to Ein Gev, where he became involved in agricultural work and became a diligent farmer and a talented tractor operator. Upon his training, he joined the Scouts group in Rehovot. He worked as a tractor operator at the nearby Ziv Institute and was eventually sent to the Negev for construction of roads. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, his group delayed his enlistment in the army, since he was the only tractor operator in the agriculture, but Eliezer did not accept this and saw his comrades fall in battle. He got up and enlisted in the Harel Brigade. Eliezer was killed in the Battle of Beit Nova, near Jerusalem, on the 11th of Tammuz 5708 (17.7.1948) On the 11th of Adar 5702 (28.2.1950) he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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