Weiss, Amir

Weiss, Amir

Son of Moshe and Tamar. He was born in Jerusalem on August 8, 1944. He studied at the Beit Hayeled elementary school in Jerusalem and continued his high school studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with an increased track in real-humanism and became known as a talented student. When he was ten years old, he joined the Hanoar Haoved movement, and in the course of time, together with his comrades in the movement, he founded the Nahal Tzala group that had contacted Kibbutz Yotvata. He was an active athlete, and excelled in swimming and a water ball. He devoted many hours to swimming, and at an early age he participated in the Kinneret ointment and youth swimming competitions. When he was 15 years old, he joined the ASA youth team in water polo and was an active player in the group until he joined the IDF. Amir was drafted into the IDF in August 1972 and volunteered for the Nahal Brigade, where he served in Yotvata Farm for six months. After completing his basic training, he was sent to a squad commanders’ course, which he completed as an outstanding member of the company, and fought with his company in Sinai during the Yom Kippur War. He was sent to an officer’s course and to the course for officers of the sabotage corps, and at the beginning of September 1974 Amir went with his platoon to chase a terrorist squad that tried to reach Ma’alot and carry out an attack. In the terrorist squadron, and in a face-to-face battle she managed to destroy two terrorists and beat the third, And 17 days later, on the fourth of Tishrei 5735 (20.9.1974), died of his wounds. Was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents, two brothers and a sister. After his death, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel, as a token of appreciation for his activities in the IDF, and in the memory of his two cousins ​​who fell in the Israel Defense Forces, was planted in the Forest of the Jewish National Fund defenders near Moshav Baka in the Jerusalem corridor. The Amir’s name and the name of his two soldiers from the platoon, who fell in battle with him, and the “Amir Bridge Corner” at the Hebrew University High School, established by his family and with the help of the school’s management. The weekly bridge of high school students, and final competitions at the end of the year, and the sports associations in which Amir was active And the ASA Jerusalem – each year holds the “Amir Factory” – swimming competitions and a water-ball for youth in memory, and the Beit Hakerem neighborhood committee published a booklet in memory of the boys who died in Israel’s wars.

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