Weisbuch, John

Weisbuch, John

Son of-David and Rosalia. He was born on the 24th of Iyar 5627 (26.5.1927) in Romania and immigrated to Israel in 1948. He received his basic and high-school education abroad, and was drafted into the IDF in early 1949. In his service he was responsible and loyal, entrepreneurial and talented in organization and execution and with great doubt in his work. While serving, he fell ill and was hospitalized, and despite his illness, he invested all his efforts and thought in improving the efficiency of the work, in order to achieve high achievements. On June 12, 1969, Major General John died of his illness, and a wife was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul and his unit commander wrote after his death that he knew John personally, Not only as a soldier and a commander, but also as a person, because he had the right to be his commander twice during his service in the IDF. He wrote: “Not only his ability to perform, his devotion, his responsibility and the depth of his knowledge, but mainly his ability to do all these with the joy of life, friendship and friendship towards his subordinates, friends and commanders.”

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