Weisbron, Abraham

Weisbron, Abraham

Son of Yosef-Yohanan and Rachel. Born on February 28, 1939, in Debrecen, Hungary, three years old, he was orphaned from his father (who was thrown into the Don by the Hungarians) and two years later he and his mother were brought to the Luxembourg camp near Vienna, where they spent eleven months But from the age of 15 he continued to immigrate to Israel and dreamed of being a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces, and in 1956 he left his mother and immigrated to Israel, and since then he has been waiting for her arrival. In November 1957. In the course of his duties, on 10 June 1959, he fell and was brought to rest in Kvutzat Yavneh, and his mother arrived in Israel two weeks later.

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