Weinstein, Yuval

Weinstein, Yuval

Yuval, the eldest son of Aliza and Shmuel was born on the 21st of Tishrai, October 5, 1966 in Kibbutz Magal. He was a devoted son and a concerned brother and guide to his younger brothers and sister. Prior to joining the IDF he participated in a number of reconnaissance missions and passed most of them successfully. Yuval was drafted into the IDF at the beginning of 1985 and was placed in an Air Force course. After finishing the course, he volunteered for the Givati ​​infantry brigade. He was a model soldier.
He then underwent courses for armored personnel carriers, combat medics, infantry commanders,infantry officers and a multi-soldier platoon. His duties in the brigade were many and varied. As a sergeant, squadron commander, company commander, his company composed of soldiers from hesder yeshivas, and a commander of the Engineering Corps company in the brigade. His soldiers said about him: “Yuval was everything for us, he brought the company to what it is today, and we knew that everything could be trusted in. He was our mother and father.” His commanders praised the manner in which he fulfilled his duties,and greatly improved the level of his company, both operational and administrative. On the 10th of Kislev 5751, November 26th, 1990, Captain Yuval fell in a battle in Lebanon, when his group attacked a group of terrorists. Yuval was laid to rest in the military section of the Arad cemetery. He left behind parents, two brothers, Amitai and Itamar, a sister, Nirit and his life partner – Maya. Yuval was promoted to the rank after his death.

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