Weinstein, Roman

Weinstein, Roman

Ben Yelena and Arcadi. Born in St. Petersburg in the Soviet Union to his engineering parents in the Soviet Union on February 4, 1982, Roman was the third child in the family after two daughters, growing up and developing at a rapid pace, with his intelligence and real inclinations. He began his studies in his hometown of St. Petersburg and, at the age of five, moved to the Gymnasium, which focused on mathematics, and at the beginning of June 1994 he immigrated to Israel with his family, who settled in Netanya. Here he stood out as a gifted student with a wide range of interests, learning Hebrew in a short time and quickly settling in In the Israeli society, he spent the ninth to twelfth grades at the Ort Leibowitz High School in Netanya. His excellence in computer science led him naturally to two additional years of study: he studied at the Orm College of Engineering in Netanya and the 14th grade at Ort Singalovski College of Advanced Technology and Science in Tel Aviv. At the end of this year he received a practical engineer’s diploma. Roman had extraordinary intelligence, admired beauty and aesthetics, and loved life. He read many philosophy books and looked at the world from a unique and different perspective. Roman never referred to things he had taken for granted, and all the details that made up his life – material and spiritual alike – were valued and meaningful to him: he loved his room and the pictures on the wall, he appreciated good music and himself played the guitar, enjoyed computer games and sports and He recognized the value of an old car. One of Roman’s most distinctive characteristics, which shaped his special personality, was the love of man. His positive energy also reflected his surroundings and invited him to many friends. Roman was very attached to his home, loved his parents and sisters, and could express his feelings with gifts, words and a hug. As a calm man, he always controlled his reactions and did not say a bad word about anyone. His extraordinary wisdom allowed him to objectively assess what was going on and respond patiently. In July 2000, Roman joined the IDF and was stationed in the Air Force, serving in the Hatzerim base in the south and serving as a computer network manager in the army, If you have to be described in two words, the choice is a ‘human being.’ “Roman’s commanders also knew how to appreciate his virtues, and Roman was chosen as an outstanding soldier in a special certificate given to him by the commander of the base. In the certificate of appreciation, signed by the head of the General Staff, Major General Elazar Stern, it was written that Roman had brought useful benefits to his life Petition. These words contained all the meaning of his life. Roman, who was full of joie de vivre, kindness and wisdom, dreamed of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle that he could travel all over the world. For him, the motorcycle symbolized the supreme and sublime value he aspired to and believed in: “The most important thing is freedom, a person must be able to do what he wants.” These words were uttered by him the day before the catastrophe that took him forever and did not allow him to realize his dream. First Sergeant Roman Weinstein fell during his duty on July 18, 2005, at the age of 23. He died suddenly and quickly. The next day they fell, was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Netanya. Survived by his parents and two sisters – Ina and Diana. The commander of Roman eulogized him: “Roman, we stand before you, stunned and hurt, and have difficulty digesting your sudden and tragic death.Distinguish the animals, you have exceptional skills, excel in every field you dealt with, you were a model and model for your friends, you performed your tasks professionally and with the quiet that characterized you. Your excellence has also been recognized by the base commander, who has chosen you as a basic excellence in the last year. We, as your commanders, had long-term plans that connect you with us to serve in the IAF. When you are selected to participate in a national mission, you are happy to be part of this quality group. Your death has left us – your commanders and colleagues – with a great space that will accompany us for a long time … The image of Roman will be preserved in our hearts forever against a dedicated, outstanding, and precious person. Roman, the squadron’s soldiers and commanders salute you. “Roman’s friends for duty wrote to remember:” You were above all, the most humane person we have ever met. So innocent, so shy, so giving and so full of joy of life. You always knew how to listen and preferred it to talk, because what really interested you above all is the people around you. For them you would do anything – just to help, just to contribute, just to get back the smile you always gave. You were a real knowledge-wise, educated, and there was no one who could not learn from you, to take an example of your ideas, your unique way of thinking, the way you phrased, anything that was really about you. Everyone saw you as an excellent person who can always be relied upon to talk to, despite your shyness, which only made you look more peaceful and surreal, just like your death – death in the Pacific Sea without waves … There are not enough words to describe you, What you were. The silence, the eternal smile that has always been on your face will always be with us and will accompany us, all of us. We love you and salute you. “Roman’s family wrote:” A novel, our pride and the mystery of our lives, left its mark on the world by giving people their love and wisdom. For us he is somewhere, he is always with us, our beloved son and brother. “

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